AC T00100
ID T00100
DT 15.10.1992 (created); ewi.
DT 21.08.2014 (updated); yre.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY CASP; CCAAT displacement protein; CDP; CDP/Cut; CDP1; Clox; COY1; cut homeodomain protein; cut-like 1, CCAAT displacement protein (Drosophila); cut-like homeobox 1; cut-like homeodomain protein; Cutl1; Cux; Cux/CDP; Cux1; FLJ31745; GOLIM6; Nbla10317; p100; p110; p200; p75; Protein CASP.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G004658 CUX1; HGNC: Cux1.
HO cut (Drosophila) T02004.
CL C0006; homeo;
SF the Clox homolog is a splice variant [6];
SF the 3 cut repeats also contribute to DNA-binding, each individual repeat and each combination exhibiting slightly different DNA-binding specificity [5] [6] [7];
SF CR1 exhibits the most restricted recognition pattern [5];
SF KD (CR3-homeo domain) = 0.03 nM, isolated CR3 at least 100-fold lower affinity [7];
CP HeLa and U937 [19].
CN Circulating monocytes [19].
FF repressor [3] [8] [9] [10] [2] [1];
FF transcription factor, look up the TRANSFAC cross reference for more details;
FF may regulate S/MAR-binding factor SATB1 and may be regulated by it via protein-protein interaction [13];
IN T08499 CBP; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T09570 E2F-1; Mammalia.
IN T17403 E2F-2; Mammalia.
IN T34364 G9A; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T04106 HDAC1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T05056 Max; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T08711 RelA-p65; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T10386 SATB1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T17579 SATB1; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T17580 SATB1; mouse, Mus musculus.
MX M00104 V$CDPCR1_01.
MX M00106 V$CDPCR3HD_01.
MX M00105 V$CDPCR3_01.
MX M00095 V$CDP_01.
MX M00102 V$CDP_02.
MX M01342 V$CDP_03.
MX M01344 V$CDP_04.
MX M04610 V$CDP_Q6_01.
MX M03952 V$CUX1_07.
BS R20770.
BS R04681.
BS R04723.
BS R04721.
BS R04720.
BS R55733.
BS R35714.
BS R58458.
BS R34456.
BS R03477.
BS R20791.
BS R20793.
BS R20794.
BS R20999.
BS R21008.
BS R35837.
BS R61202.
BS R61204.
BS R61205.
BS R61207.
BS R00562.
BS R60669.
BS R34455.
BS R61174.
BS R61189.
BS R36022.
BS R35914.
BS R25883.
BS R61213.
BS R61214.
BS R01677.
BS R35825.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000024708.
DR UniProtKB: P39880; CDP_HUMAN.
DR UniProtKB: Q13948; CASP_HUMAN.
RN [1]; RE0000079.
RX PUBMED: 3607873.
RA Barberis A., Superti-Furga G., Busslinger M.
RT Mutually Exclusive Interaction of the CCAAT-Binding Factor and of a Displacement Protein with Overlapping Sequences of a Histone Gene Promoter
RL Cell 50:347-359 (1987).
RN [2]; RE0000346.
RX PUBMED: 3181130.
RA Superti-Furga G., Barberis A., Schaffner G., Busslinger M.
RT The -117 mutation in Greek HPFH affects the binding of three nuclear factors to the CCAAT region of the gamma-globin gene
RL EMBO J. 7:3099-3107 (1988).
RN [3]; RE0001031.
RX PUBMED: 1885602.
RA Skalnik D. G., Strauss E. C., Orkin S. H.
RT CCAAT displacement protein as a repressor of the myelomonocytic-specific gp91-phox gene promoter
RL J. Biol. Chem. 266:16736-16744 (1991).
RN [4]; RE0002047.
RX PUBMED: 2476717.
RA Mantovani R., Superti-Furga G., Gilman J., Ottolenghi S.
RT The deletion of the distal CCAAT box region of the Agamma-globin gene in black HPFH abolishes the binding of the erythroid specific protein NFE3 and of the CCAAT displacement protein
RL Nucleic Acids Res. 17:6681-6691 (1989).
RN [5]; RE0002967.
RX PUBMED: 7914370.
RA Aufiero B., Neufeld E. J., Orkin S. H.
RT Sequence-specific DNA binding of individual cut repeats of the human CCAAT displacement/ cut homeodomain protein
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:7757-7761 (1994).
RN [6]; RE0002972.
RX PUBMED: 7905452.
RA Andres V., Chiara M. D., Mahdavi V.
RT A new bipartite DNA-binding domain: cooperative interaction between the cut repeat and homeo domain of the cut homeo proteins
RL Genes Dev. 8:245-257 (1994).
RN [7]; RE0002973.
RX PUBMED: 7799919.
RA Harada R., Berube G., Tamplin O. J., Denis-Larose C., Nepveu A.
RT DNA-binding specificity of the cut repeats from the human cut-like protein
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:129-140 (1995).
RN [8]; RE0003358.
RX PUBMED: 8196661.
RA Dufort D., Nepveu A.
RT The human Cut homeodomain protein represses transcription from the c-myc promoter
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:4251-4257 (1994).
RN [9]; RE0003999.
RX PUBMED: 7759529.
RA Lievens P. M., Donady J. J., Tufarelli C., Neufeld E. J.
RT Repressor activity of CCAAT displacement protein in HL-60 myeloid leukemia cells
RL J. Biol. Chem. 270:12745-12750 (1995).
RN [10]; RE0005002.
RX PUBMED: 1301999.
RA Neufeld E. J., Skalnik D. G., Lievens P. M., Orkin S. H.
RT Human CCAAT dis-placement protein is homologous to the Drosophila homeoprotein, cut
RL Nat. Genet. 1:50-55 (1992).
RN [11]; RE0005004.
RX PUBMED: 7904999.
RA Harada R., Dufort D., Denis-Larose C., Nepveu A.
RT Conserved cut repeats in the human cut homeodomain protein function as DNA binding domains
RL J. Biol. Chem. 269:2062-2067 (1994).
RN [12]; RE0005005.
RX PUBMED: 2784063.
RA Superti-Furga G., Barberis A., Schaffner G., Busslinger M.
RT The protein CDP, but not CP1, footprints on the CCAAT region of the g-globin gene in unfractionated B-cell extracts
RL Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1007:237-242 (1989).
RN [13]; RE0015021.
RX PUBMED: 10373541.
RA Liu J., Barnett A., Neufeld E. J., Dudley J. P.
RT Homeoproteins CDP and SATB1interact: potential for tissue-specific regulation
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:4918-4926 (1999).
RN [14]; RE0017514.
RX PUBMED: 11584018.
RA Santaguida M., Ding Q., Berube G., Truscott M., Whyte P., Nepveu A.
RT Phosphorylation of the CCAAT displacement protein (CDP)/Cux transcription factor by cyclin A-Cdk1 modulates its DNA binding activity in G(2).
RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:45780-45790 (2001).
RN [15]; RE0017861.
RX PUBMED: 10684263.
RA Stuenkel W., Huang Z., Tan S.-H., O'Connor M. J., Bernard H.-U.
RT Nuclear matrix attachment regions of human papillomavirus type 16 repress or activate the E6 promoter, depending on the physical state of the viral DNA
RL J. Virol. 74:2489-2501 (2000).
RN [16]; RE0042400.
RX PUBMED: 10852958.
RA Li S., Aufiero B., Schiltz R. L., Walsh M. J.
RT Regulation of the homeodomain CCAAT displacement/cut protein function by histone acetyltransferases p300/CREB-binding protein (CBP)-associated factor and CBP
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:7166-71 (2000).
RN [17]; RE0048983.
RX PUBMED: 15269344.
RA Nishio H., Walsh M. J.
RT CCAAT displacement protein/cut homolog recruits G9a histone lysine methyltransferase to repress transcription.
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:11257-11262 (2004).
RN [18]; RE0053184.
RX PUBMED: 18256137.
RA Stratigopoulos G., Padilla S. L., LeDuc C. A., Watson E., Hattersley A. T., McCarthy M. I., Zeltser L. M., Chung W. K., Leibel R. L.
RT Regulation of Fto/Ftm gene expression in mice and humans.
RL Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 294:R1185-96 (2008).
RN [19]; RE0049573.
RX PUBMED: 9885213.
RA Marziali G., Perrotti E., Ilari R., Coccia E. M., Mantovani R., Testa U., Battistini A.
RT The activity of the CCAAT-box binding factor NF-Y is modulated through the regulated expression of its A subunit during monocyte to macrophage differentiation: regulation of tissue-specific genes through a ubiquitous transcription factor.
RL Blood 93:519-526 (1999).