TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T34781 XX ID T34781 XX DT 25.02.2000 (created); cch. DT 06.02.2015 (updated); ros. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA ErbB1 XX SY c-erbB; EGFR; epidermal growth factor receptor; epidermal growth factor receptor (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian); ERBB; ERBB1; HER, human EGF receptor; HER1; mENA; PIG61. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G000251 EGFR; HGNC: EGFR. XX SF mature EGFR 1186 AA; SF N-terminal extracellular 622 AA therein 2 cys-rich regions; SF single alpha-helical transmembrane pass; SF intracellular 542 AA with 3 regions, first for feedback attenuation by PKC and ERK, second for tyr-kinase, last C-terminal for regulation and signaling by SH2, PTB and internalization motifs [4]; SF 5 autophosphorylation sites are between AA 992-1186 of ErbB1(h); SF other tyr-phosphorylation sites are present also [2]; XX FF Down regulated by EGF treatment in PANC28 cells [80]; FF Enhanced expression upon c-Jun overexpression in MCF-7 cells [84]; XX IN T00261 ER-alpha; human, Homo sapiens. IN T34781 ErbB1; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00992 Hsp90; human, Homo sapiens. IN T14280 Ku70:Ku80; human, Homo sapiens. IN T27098 Ku80:Ku70; mouse, Mus musculus. IN T04759 STAT1; human, Homo sapiens. IN T01492 STAT1alpha; human, Homo sapiens. IN T01573 STAT1beta; human, Homo sapiens. IN T01493 STAT3; human, Homo sapiens. IN T04683 STAT5A; human, Homo sapiens. IN T04684 STAT5B; human, Homo sapiens. XX BS R72163. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000016677. DR UniProtKB: P00533; XX RN [1]; RE0018638. RX PUBMED: 9363897. RA Yamauchi T., Ueki K., Tobe K., Tamemoto H., Sekine N., Wada M., Honjo M., Takahashi M., Takahashi T., Hirai H., Tushima T., Akanuma Y., Fujita T., Komuro I., Yazaki Y., Kadowaki T. RT Tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor by the kinase Jak2 is induced by growth hormone RL Nature 390:91-96 (1997). RN [2]; RE0018678. RX PUBMED: 11007960. RA Bishayee S. RT Role of conformational alteration in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) function RL Biochem. Pharmacol. 60:1217-1223 (2000). RN [3]; RE0020545. RX PUBMED: 9733788. RA Keilhack H., Tenev T., Nyakatura E., Godovac-Zimmermann J., Nielsen L., Seedorf K., Bohmer F. D. RT Phosphotyrosine 1173 mediates binding of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 to the epidermal growth factor receptor and attenuation of receptor signaling RL J. Biol. Chem. 273:24839-24846 (1998). RN [4]; RE0022144. RX PUBMED: 10404636. RA Wells A. RT EGF receptor RL Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 31:637-643 (1999). RN [5]; RE0027727. RX PUBMED: 10558875. RA Runge D. M., Runge D., Foth H., Strom S. C., Michalopoulos G. K. RT STAT 1alpha/1beta, STAT 3 and STAT 5: expression and association with c-MET and EGF-receptor in long-term cultures of human hepatocytes. RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 265:376-81 (1999). RN [6]; RE0028730. RX PUBMED: 11075810. RA Lee H., Volonte D., Galbiati F., Iyengar P., Lublin D. M., Bregman D. B., Wilson M. T., Campos-Gonzalez R., Bouzahzah B., Pestell R. G., Scherer P. E., Lisanti M. P. RT Constitutive and growth factor-regulated phosphorylation of caveolin-1 occurs at the same site (Tyr-14) in vivo: identification of a c-Src/Cav-1/Grb7 signaling cassette. RL Mol. Endocrinol. 14:1750-75 (2000). RN [7]; RE0029337. RX PUBMED: 9430697. RA Bandyopadhyay D., Mandal M., Adam L., Mendelsohn J., Kumar R. RT Physical interaction between epidermal growth factor receptor and DNA-dependent protein kinase in mammalian cells. RL J. Biol. Chem. 273:1568-73 (1998). RN [8]; RE0029549. RX PUBMED: 11994282. RA Kassenbrock C. K., Hunter S., Garl P., Johnson G. L., Anderson S. M. RT Inhibition of Src family kinases blocks epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced activation of Akt, phosphorylation of c-Cbl, and ubiquitination of the EGF receptor. RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:24967-75 (2002). RN [9]; RE0029821. RX PUBMED: 8617201. RA Karunagaran D., Tzahar E., Beerli R. R., Chen X., Graus-Porta D., Ratzkin B. J., Seger R., Hynes N. E., Yarden Y. RT ErbB-2 is a common auxiliary subunit of NDF and EGF receptors: implications for breast cancer. RL EMBO J. 15:254-64 (1996). RN [10]; RE0029863. RX PUBMED: 12381737. RA Freedman N. J., Kim L. K., Murray J. P., Exum S. T., Brian L., Wu J. H., Peppel K. RT Phosphorylation of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta and epidermal growth factor receptor by G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2. Mechanisms for selectivity of desensitization. RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:48261-9 (2002). RN [11]; RE0032237. RX PUBMED: 8626392. RA Beerli R. R., Hynes N. E. RT Epidermal growth factor-related peptides activate distinct subsets of ErbB receptors and differ in their biological activities. RL J. Biol. Chem. 271:6071-6 (1996). RN [12]; RE0032284. RX PUBMED: 10085134. RA Wong L., Deb T. B., Thompson S. A., Wells A., Johnson G. R. RT A differential requirement for the COOH-terminal region of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in amphiregulin and EGF mitogenic signaling. RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:8900-9 (1999). RN [13]; RE0032858. RX PUBMED: 9506992. RA Habib A. A., Hognason T., Ren J., Stefansson K., Ratan R. R. RT The epidermal growth factor receptor associates with and recruits phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to the platelet-derived growth factor beta receptor. RL J. Biol. Chem. 273:6885-91 (1998). RN [14]; RE0034012. RX PUBMED: 7673163. RA Tomic S., Greiser U., Lammers R., Kharitonenkov A., Imyanitov E., Ullrich A., Bohmer F. D. RT Association of SH2 domain protein tyrosine phosphatases with the epidermal growth factor receptor in human tumor cells. Phosphatidic acid activates receptor dephosphorylation by PTP1C. RL J. Biol. Chem. 270:21277-84 (1995). RN [15]; RE0034381. RX PUBMED: 15192046. RA Saito T., Okada S., Ohshima K., Yamada E., Sato M., Uehara Y., Shimizu H., Pessin J. E., Mori M. RT Differential activation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor downstream signaling pathways by betacellulin and EGF. RL Endocrinology 145:4232-43 (2004). RN [16]; RE0034755. RX PUBMED: 11960379. RA Bhat-Nakshatri P., Sweeney C. J., Nakshatri H. RT Identification of signal transduction pathways involved in constitutive NF-kappaB activation in breast cancer cells. RL Oncogene 21:2066-78 (2002). RN [17]; RE0036920. RX PUBMED: 12871937. RA Nanjundan M., Sun J., Zhao J., Zhou Q., Sims P. J., Wiedmer T. RT Plasma membrane phospholipid scramblase 1 promotes EGF-dependent activation of c-Src through the epidermal growth factor receptor RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:37413-8 (2003). RN [18]; RE0036932. RX PUBMED: 12009895. RA Sun J., Nanjundan M., Pike L. J., Wiedmer T., Sims P. J. RT Plasma membrane phospholipid scramblase 1 is enriched in lipid rafts and interacts with the epidermal growth factor receptor RL Biochemistry 41:6338-45 (2002). RN [19]; RE0039578. RX PUBMED: 10571044. RA Kim M., Tezuka T., Suziki Y., Sugano S., Hirai M., Yamamoto T. RT Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel cbl-family gene, cbl-c RL Gene 239:145-54 (1999). RN [20]; RE0044298. RX PUBMED: 10086341. RA Schmandt R., Liu S. K., McGlade C. J. RT Cloning and characterization of mPAL, a novel Shc SH2 domain-binding protein expressed in proliferating cells RL Oncogene 18:1867-79 (1999). RN [21]; RE0044426. RX PUBMED: 10846186. RA Castagliuolo I., Valenick L., Liu J., Pothoulakis C. RT Epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation mediates substance P-induced mitogenic responses in U-373 MG cells RL J. Biol. Chem. 275:26545-50 (2000). RN [22]; RE0045740. RX PUBMED: 7532277. RA Graus-Porta D., Beerli R. R., Hynes N. E. RT Single-chain antibody-mediated intracellular retention of ErbB-2 impairs Neu differentiation factor and epidermal growth factor signaling RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:1182-91 (1995). RN [23]; RE0046457. RX PUBMED: 8404850. RA Fazioli F., Minichiello L., Matoska V., Castagnino P., Miki T., Wong W. T., Di Fiore P. P. RT Eps8, a substrate for the epidermal growth factor receptor kinase, enhances EGF-dependent mitogenic signals RL EMBO J. 12:3799-808 (1993). RN [24]; RE0047171. RX PUBMED: 12919676. RA Tran D. D., Russell H. R., Sutor S. L., van Deursen J., Bram R. J. RT CAML is required for efficient EGF receptor recycling RL Dev. Cell 5:245-56 (2003). RN [25]; RE0047797. RX PUBMED: 15923621. RA Mialon A., Sankinen M., Soderstrom H., Junttila T. T., Holmstrom T., Koivusalo R., Papageorgiou A. C., Johnson R. S., Hietanen S., Elenius K., Westermarck J. RT DNA topoisomerase I is a cofactor for c-Jun in the regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor expression and cancer cell proliferation. RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 25:5040-5051 (2005). RN [26]; RE0048250. RX PUBMED: 15615697. RA Kansra S., Stoll S. W., Johnson J. L., Elder J. T. RT Src family kinase inhibitors block amphiregulin-mediated autocrine ErbB signaling in normal human keratinocytes. RL Mol. Pharmacol. 67:1145-1157 (2005). RN [27]; RE0048272. RX PUBMED: 12134089. RA Yu X., Sharma K. D., Takahashi T., Iwamoto R., Mekada E. RT Ligand-independent dimer formation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a step separable from ligand-induced EGFR signaling. RL Mol. Biol. Cell 13:2547-2557 (2002). RN [28]; RE0048281. RX PUBMED: 1349015. RA Spivak-Kroizman T., Rotin D., Pinchasi D., Ullrich A., Schlessinger J., Lax I. RT Heterodimerization of c-erbB2 with different epidermal growth factor receptor mutants elicits stimulatory or inhibitory responses. RL J. Biol. Chem. 267:8056-8063 (1992). RN [29]; RE0048306. RX PUBMED: 9374534. RA Couet J., Sargiacomo M., Lisanti M. P. RT Interaction of a receptor tyrosine kinase, EGF-R, with caveolins. Caveolin binding negatively regulates tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase activities. RL J. Biol. Chem. 272:30429-30438 (1997). RN [30]; RE0048335. RX PUBMED: 9694904. RA Lohi O., Poussu A., Merilainen J., Kellokumpu S., Wasenius V. M., Lehto V. P. RT EAST, an epidermal growth factor receptor- and Eps15-associated protein with Src homology 3 and tyrosine-based activation motif domains. RL J. Biol. Chem. 273:21408-21415 (1998). RN [31]; RE0048342. RX PUBMED: 7689153. RA Fazioli F., Minichiello L., Matoskova B., Wong W. T., Di Fiore P. P. RT eps15, a novel tyrosine kinase substrate, exhibits transforming activity. RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:5814-5828 (1993). RN [32]; RE0048971. RX PUBMED: 10372802. RA Gulliford T., Ouyang X., Epstein R. J. RT Intensification of growth factor receptor signalling by phorbol treatment of ligand-primed cells implies a dimer-stabilizing effect of protein kinase C-dependent juxtamembrane domain phosphorylation. RL Cell. Signal. 11:245-252 (1999). RN [33]; RE0048993. RX PUBMED: 9637788. RA Ouyang X., Huang G. C., Chantry A., Epstein R. J. RT Adjacent carboxyterminal tyrosine phosphorylation events identify functionally distinct ErbB2 receptor subsets: implications for molecular diagnostics. RL Exp. Cell Res. 241:467-475 (1998). RN [34]; RE0049138. RX PUBMED: 15345710. RA Laederich M. B., Funes-Duran M., Yen L., Ingalla E., Wu X., Carraway KL 3. r. d., Sweeney C. RT The leucine-rich repeat protein LRIG1 is a negative regulator of ErbB family receptor tyrosine kinases. RL J. Biol. Chem. 279:47050-47056 (2004). RN [35]; RE0049270. RX PUBMED: 8360196. RA Kuppuswamy D., Dalton M., Pike L. J. RT Serine 1002 is a site of in vivo and in vitro phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. RL J. Biol. Chem. 268:19134-19142 (1993). RN [36]; RE0049276. RX PUBMED: 10075741. RA Biscardi J. S., Maa M. C., Tice D. A., Cox M. E., Leu T. H., Parsons S. J. RT c-Src-mediated phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor on Tyr845 and Tyr1101 is associated with modulation of receptor function. RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:8335-8343 (1999). RN [37]; RE0049285. RX PUBMED: 7527043. RA Okutani T., Okabayashi Y., Kido Y., Sugimoto Y., Sakaguchi K., Matuoka K., Takenawa T., Kasuga M. RT Grb2/Ash binds directly to tyrosines 1068 and 1086 and indirectly to tyrosine 1148 of activated human epidermal growth factor receptors in intact cells. RL J. Biol. Chem. 269:31310-31314 (1994). RN [38]; RE0049298. RX PUBMED: 16263724. RA Xu Y., Tan L. J., Grachtchouk V., Voorhees J. J., Fisher G. J. RT Receptor-type protein-tyrosine phosphatase-kappa regulates epidermal growth factor receptor function. RL J. Biol. Chem. 280:42694-42700 (2005). RN [39]; RE0049307. RX PUBMED: 1309762. RA Countaway J. L., Nairn A. C., Davis R. J. RT Mechanism of desensitization of the epidermal growth factor receptor protein-tyrosine kinase. RL J. Biol. Chem. 267:1129-1140 (1992). RN [40]; RE0049376. RX PUBMED: 17176074. RA Mukherji M., Brill L. M., Ficarro S. B., Hampton G. M., Schultz P. G. RT A Phosphoproteomic Analysis of the ErbB2 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Pathways. RL Biochemistry 45:15529-15540 (2006). RN [41]; RE0049389. RX PUBMED: 16799092. RA Wu S. L., Kim J., Bandle R. W., Liotta L., Petricoin E., Karger B. L. RT Dynamic profiling of the post-translational modifications and interaction partners of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling after stimulation by epidermal growth factor using Extended Range Proteomic Analysis (ERPA). RL Mol. Cell. Proteomics 5:1610-1627 (2006). RN [42]; RE0049425. RX PUBMED: 7488034. RA Sato K., Sato A., Aoto M., Fukami Y. RT c-Src phosphorylates epidermal growth factor receptor on tyrosine 845. RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 215:1078-1087 (1995). RN [43]; RE0050051. RX PUBMED: 7797556. RA Stover D. R., Becker M., Liebetanz J., Lydon N. B. RT Src phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor at novel sites mediates receptor interaction with Src and P85 alpha. RL J. Biol. Chem. 270:15591-15597 (1995). RN [44]; RE0050094. RX PUBMED: 16803894. RA Tashiro K., Konishi H., Sano E., Nabeshi H., Yamauchi E., Taniguchi H. RT Suppression of the ligand-mediated down-regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor by Ymer, a novel tyrosine-phosphorylated and ubiquitinated protein. RL J. Biol. Chem. 281:24612-24622 (2006). RN [45]; RE0050117. RX PUBMED: 10635327. RA Levkowitz G., Waterman H., Ettenberg S. A., Katz M., Tsygankov A. Y., Alroy I., Lavi S., Iwai K., Reiss Y., Ciechanover A., Lipkowitz S., Yarden Y. RT Ubiquitin ligase activity and tyrosine phosphorylation underlie suppression of growth factor signaling by c-Cbl/Sli-1. RL Mol. Cell 4:1029-1040 (1999). RN [46]; RE0050134. RX PUBMED: 17101784. RA Stern K. A., Visser Smit G. D., Place T. L., Winistorfer S., Piper R. C., Lill N. L. RT Epidermal growth factor receptor fate is controlled by Hrs tyrosine phosphorylation sites that regulate Hrs degradation. RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 27:888-898 (2007). RN [47]; RE0050297. RX PUBMED: 9710588. RA Olayioye M. A., Graus-Porta D., Beerli R. R., Rohrer J., Gay B., Hynes N. E. RT ErbB-1 and ErbB-2 acquire distinct signaling properties dependent upon their dimerization partner. RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 18:5042-5051 (1998). RN [48]; RE0050691. RX PUBMED: 1334406. RA Gout I., Dhand R., Panayotou G., Fry M. J., Hiles I., Otsu M., Waterfield M. D. RT Expression and characterization of the p85 subunit of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex and a related p85 beta protein by using the baculovirus expression system. RL Biochem. J. 288:395-405 (1992). RN [49]; RE0050747. RX PUBMED: 15337524. RA Ruschel A., Ullrich A. RT Protein tyrosine kinase Syk modulates EGFR signalling in human mammary epithelial cells. RL Cell. Signal. 16:1249-1261 (2004). RN [50]; RE0050805. RX PUBMED: 12915106. RA Samet J. M., Dewar B. J., Wu W., Graves L. M. RT Mechanisms of Zn(2+)-induced signal initiation through the epidermal growth factor receptor. RL Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 191:86-93 (2003). RN [51]; RE0050815. RX PUBMED: 12873986. RA Shao H., Cheng H. Y., Cook R. G., Tweardy D. J. RT Identification and characterization of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 recruitment sites within the epidermal growth factor receptor. RL Cancer Res. 63:3923-3930 (2003). RN [52]; RE0050848. RX PUBMED: 12771142. RA Xi S., Zhang Q., Dyer K. F., Lerner E. C., Smithgall T. E., Gooding W. E., Kamens J., Grandis J. R. RT Src kinases mediate STAT growth pathways in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:31574-31583 (2003). RN [53]; RE0050855. RX PUBMED: 12771140. RA Shu L., Shayman J. A. RT Src kinase mediates the regulation of phospholipase C-gamma activity by glycosphingolipids. RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:31419-31425 (2003). RN [54]; RE0050896. RX PUBMED: 12711607. RA Lemjabbar H., Li D., Gallup M., Sidhu S., Drori E., Basbaum C. RT Tobacco smoke-induced lung cell proliferation mediated by tumor necrosis factor alpha-converting enzyme and amphiregulin. RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:26202-26207 (2003). RN [55]; RE0050920. RX PUBMED: 12684395. RA Anido J., Matar P., Albanell J., Guzman M., Rojo F., Arribas J., Averbuch S., Baselga J. RT ZD1839, a specific epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor, induces the formation of inactive EGFR/HER2 and EGFR/HER3 heterodimers and prevents heregulin signaling in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. RL Clin. Cancer Res. 9:1274-1283 (2003). RN [56]; RE0050927. RX PUBMED: 12633740. RA Maziere C., Floret S., Santus R., Morliere P., Marcheux V., Maziere J. C. RT Impairment of the EGF signaling pathway by the oxidative stress generated with UVA. RL Free Radic. Biol. Med. 34:629-636 (2003). RN [57]; RE0050944. RX PUBMED: 12612606. RA Civenni G., Holbro T., Hynes N. E. RT Wnt1 and Wnt5a induce cyclin D1 expression through ErbB1 transactivation in HC11 mammary epithelial cells. RL EMBO Rep. 4:166-171 (2003). RN [58]; RE0050955. RX PUBMED: 12606547. RA Abrahamsen H., Vang T., Tasken K. RT Protein kinase A intersects SRC signaling in membrane microdomains. RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:17170-17177 (2003). RN [59]; RE0050965. RX PUBMED: 12589790. RA Piiper A., Lutz M. P., Cramer H., Elez R., Kronenberger B., Dikic I., Muller-Esterl W., Zeuzem S. RT Protein kinase A mediates cAMP-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 301:848-854 (2003). RN [60]; RE0051086. RX PUBMED: 12093135. RA Tsatas D., Kanagasundaram V., Kaye A., Novak U. RT EGF receptor modifies cellular responses to hyaluronan in glioblastoma cell lines. RL J. Clin. Neurosci. 9:282-288 (2002). RN [61]; RE0051111. RX PUBMED: 11983694. RA Wu W., Graves L. M., Gill G. N., Parsons S. J., Samet J. M. RT Src-dependent phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor on tyrosine 845 is required for zinc-induced Ras activation. RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:24252-24257 (2002). RN [62]; RE0051122. RX PUBMED: 11934884. RA Justman Q. A., Clinton G. M. RT Herstatin, an autoinhibitor of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 tyrosine kinase, modulates epidermal growth factor signaling pathways resulting in growth arrest. RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:20618-20624 (2002). RN [63]; RE0051156. RX PUBMED: 11606076. RA Wobus M., Kuns R., Wolf C., Horn L. C., Kohler U., Sheyn I., Werness B. A., Sherman L. S. RT CD44 mediates constitutive type I receptor signaling in cervical carcinoma cells. RL Gynecol. Oncol. 83:227-234 (2001). RN [64]; RE0051170. RX PUBMED: 11914075. RA Stortelers C., van De Poll M. L., Lenferink A. E., Gadellaa M. M., van Zoelen C., van Zoelen E. J. RT Epidermal growth factor contains both positive and negative determinants for interaction with ErbB-2/ErbB-3 heterodimers. RL Biochemistry 41:4292-4301 (2002). RN [65]; RE0051212. RX PUBMED: 11408594. RA Burke P., Schooler K., Wiley H. S. RT Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling by endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. RL Mol. Biol. Cell 12:1897-1910 (2001). RN [66]; RE0051452. RX PUBMED: 10781609. RA Park W. Y., Park J. S., Cho K. A., Kim D. I., Ko Y. G., Seo J. S., Park S. C. RT Up-regulation of caveolin attenuates epidermal growth factor signaling in senescent cells. RL J. Biol. Chem. 275:20847-20852 (2000). RN [67]; RE0051458. RX PUBMED: 10777553. RA Keely S. J., Calandrella S. O., Barrett K. E. RT Carbachol-stimulated transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor and mitogen-activated protein kinase in T(84) cells is mediated by intracellular ca(2+), PYK-2, and p60(src). RL J. Biol. Chem. 275:12619-12625 (2000). RN [68]; RE0051491. RX PUBMED: 10572067. RA Fernandes A. M., Hamburger A. W., Gerwin B. I. RT Dominance of ErbB-1 heterodimers in lung epithelial cells overexpressing ErbB-2. Both ErbB-1 and ErbB-2 contribute significantly to tumorigenicity. RL Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 21:701-709 (1999). RN [69]; RE0051571. RX PUBMED: 9950886. RA Krymskaya V. P., Hoffman R., Eszterhas A., Kane S., Ciocca V., Panettieri RA J. r. RT EGF activates ErbB-2 and stimulates phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in human airway smooth muscle cells. RL Am. J. Physiol. 276:L246-55 (1999). RN [70]; RE0051690. RX PUBMED: 9419975. RA Komurasaki T., Toyoda H., Uchida D., Morimoto S. RT Epiregulin binds to epidermal growth factor receptor and ErbB-4 and induces tyrosine phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor, ErbB-2, ErbB-3 and ErbB-4. RL Oncogene 15:2841-2848 (1997). RN [71]; RE0051702. RX PUBMED: 9038217. RA Tenev T., Keilhack H., Tomic S., Stoyanov B., Stein-Gerlach M., Lammers R., Krivtsov A. V., Ullrich A., Bohmer F. D. RT Both SH2 domains are involved in interaction of SHP-1 with the epidermal growth factor receptor but cannot confer receptor-directed activity to SHP-1/SHP-2 chimera. RL J. Biol. Chem. 272:5966-5973 (1997). RN [72]; RE0051720. RX PUBMED: 15194809. RA Stang E., Blystad F. D., Kazazic M., Bertelsen V., Brodahl T., Raiborg C., Stenmark H., Madshus I. H. RT Cbl-dependent ubiquitination is required for progression of EGF receptors into clathrin-coated pits. RL Mol. Biol. Cell 15:3591-3604 (2004). RN [73]; RE0051734. RX PUBMED: 15475003. RA Grovdal L. M., Stang E., Sorkin A., Madshus I. H. RT Direct interaction of Cbl with pTyr 1045 of the EGF receptor (EGFR) is required to sort the EGFR to lysosomes for degradation. RL Exp. Cell Res. 300:388-395 (2004). RN [74]; RE0051769. RX PUBMED: 15701692. RA Sigismund S., Woelk T., Puri C., Maspero E., Tacchetti C., Transidico P., Di Fiore P. P., Polo S. RT Clathrin-independent endocytosis of ubiquitinated cargos. RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:2760-2765 (2005). RN [75]; RE0051795. RX PUBMED: 16275144. RA Melikova M. S., Kondratov K. A., Kornilova E. S. RT Two different stages of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor endocytosis are sensitive to free ubiquitin depletion produced by proteasome inhibitor MG132. RL Cell Biol. Int. 30:31-43 (2006). RN [76]; RE0052403. RX PUBMED: 12829707. RA Alwan H. A., van Zoelen E. J., van Leeuwen J. E. RT Ligand-induced lysosomal epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) degradation is preceded by proteasome-dependent EGFR de-ubiquitination. RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:35781-35790 (2003). RN [77]; RE0052562. RX PUBMED: 16336275. RA Chokki M., Eguchi H., Hamamura I., Mitsuhashi H., Kamimura T. RT Human airway trypsin-like protease induces amphiregulin release through a mechanism involving protease-activated receptor-2-mediated ERK activation and TNF alpha-converting enzyme activity in airway epithelial cells. RL FEBS J. 272:6387-6399 (2005). RN [78]; RE0053033. RX PUBMED: 15143154. RA Shah B. H., Yesilkaya A., Olivares-Reyes J. A., Chen H. D., Hunyady L., Catt K. J. RT Differential pathways of angiotensin II-induced extracellularly regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation in specific cell types: role of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor. RL Mol. 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